Thursday, December 21, 2006

Pentagon Money Grab

It is absolutely insane to consider making the overall military bigger over the long term when you are fighting two, what appears, especially now , short term Wars or at least one small scale long term in commitment in Afghanistan.What this country needs to do is get out of Iraq with in the next 18 month redeploy 25% to Afghanistan and get the Taliban. The treatment of women and girls puts them in the same class as the Nazis of WWII. Find Mulla Omar and try him for Crimes against Humanity.In this country we need to step back and rethink our security needs. A War on Terror is not a war of territorial and resource domination as we are use to thinking. In fact using the word war limits our perspective. There are no lines drawn, no rules of engagement, no large scale troop movements. The enemy is among us. Virtually free to move anywhere in the world, including strolling across our own southern boarder.One of the sad remnants of the Karl Rove Political Divide strategy is the idea that to see the threat of terror as a primarily an Intelligent and Law Enforcement issue is considered weak. That to want to spend more money to recruit and retain move Arabic translators or other intelligence gathering activities as opposed to researching a new "Bunker Buster" Nuclear Bomb, is to be some kind of national security wimp.The Neo-Cons have already increased Pentagon spending in it annual budget not to mention spending Iraq. With the increased spending much going to "private contractors" you know without a doubt that we are getting ripped off.To talk of increasing the size of the permanent force at a time of draw down in Iraq sounds like a Pentagon Money Grab.