An opportunity has presented itself that is such a gift to all those that truly despise the Bush Administration, that it almost seems as though it is a gift from a divine being.
As the facts come out in the Scooter Libby trial, it becomes obvious that The Office of the Vice President was directly involved in the outing of a CIA operative. Dick Cheney's office, it would seeem, initiated the operation and instructed Libby to carry it out.
The Democrats need to start a full scale investigation into possible violations of the Law related to this incident. The reason this is such a gift is because it gives opponents of this administration an opportunity to remove Cheney first. Bush would have to nominate a replacement that according to the 25th Amendment would have to be approved by the Democratic Congress. Once that step is completed, they can go after Bush.
Now I should say, I wouldn't do this. It would just get too messy and there is only two years left. But if someone felt it was necessary. I'd say go for it