John Kerry may not always say it well, but he's usually pretty right on when he speaks on a subject. The Republican's are about to start a stink because John Kerry and many prominent leaders, from the Middle East, sat down at the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland to have a mature conversation about many of the realities facing Iraq and The Middle East. [WATCH] The "mature" might be the part the conservatives find so adverse. At this forum John Kerry said "When we walk away from global warming, Kyoto, when we are irresponsibly slow in moving toward AIDS in Africa, when we don't advance and live up to our own rhetoric and standards, we set a terrible message of duplicity and hypocrisy" No wait that's not the quote, it was going to be the one but they all figured the words "duplicity and "hipocrisy" where too big. What did he say? was it this? "We need to do a better job of protecting our interests, because after all, that's what diplomacy is about," he said. "But you have to do it in a context of the reality, not your lens but the reality of those other cultures and histories.". No it wasn't that one. By the end of that one most concervatives have a constant hissing in there head, like a radio between channels. Ok I got it now. "So we have a crisis of confidence in the Middle East — in the world, really. I've never seen our country as isolated, as much as a sort of international pariah for a number of reasons as it is today." "pariah" now there's a word that will give you some miles on the conservative talk circut. A good biblical word. But there's more he also talk about the "unfortunate habit" of Americans to see the world "exclusively through an American lens." What at first clance is kind of a "uh daa" moment. Everyone, every culture, every nation does that. But the conservative drum beat calls it a "SLAP!" in the face to Americans. But the point I started this post and gave it the title I did was because I don't know where this idea came from of not critizing America when your on foreign soil came from, but I'm sorry, I am an American. I will speak my mind anywhere.... I can afford to go. Right now that would be about Pittsburgh. Anyway, as the Election Cycle begins when you hear the conservative noise machine granking up about who said what, go and find the text of what they said and compare it to what your hearing about what they said. It will help clear the stink.