Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A Second Look

Over the last 6yrs we've have witnessed a Conservative fine tuned, hate filled, distort and destroy attack mechine. Now you don't reach this kind of precision coordination overnight. So let's turn back the clock and look to see where this mechine got it's ball bearings.Simple put the Clintons. When Hillary spoke of a "vast right wing conspiracy" it may not have been "vast" but it was a conspiracy and it was effective. For more on this I suggest Blinded by The Right by David Brock. It's also more proof that a gay conservative is a liberal who hasn't come out yet. (just kidding to my conservative gay brother out there). Where was I? I got to go back and look. hold on.... ok the Mechine.After the Clinton Presidency, freed up from political constraints, We've had an opportunity to see a side of Bill Clinton more clearly. The side that truly cares about people and who wants to use his great intellect to help people. So maybe as this Me chine begins to rev up for the '08 election We all need to give Hillary Clinton a second Look. To listen to her words, to read her speeches. Not to let the Mechine's exhaust cloud our view.