Friday, January 12, 2007

Subsidies Abuse

I was thinking the other day that if Bill Clinton and the Democrats had come to power and said We going to spend a half a trillion dollars over the next 5 years to give every American Universal Healthcare. The Republicans would have been bouncing of walls and those that supported it would be called socialists if not worse.
But to the point of this post. There are powerful forces in World that We The People must confront. We must be engaged and be prepared to with stand an onslaught of misinformation and intimidation. I'm not talking about the War on Terror, I'm talking about government subsidies of highly profitable and powerful industries.
The Oil and Drug Manufacturing Industries and Farm Subsidies has to be on our Taxpayer's Hit List also we need to look at Federal Land Leases and Minerial Right Royalties. In regard to the royalties. It's time for the American People to reap the benefits of our commonly owned resourses.