The Just seems to be so much going on these days, the debate on Iraq and Iran, a new budget, the Libby trial and on and on. S I think some posts will need to be more or less bits and pieces of thoughts.Our Enemy, Ourselves.
First bit is to draw attention to a new link in the sidebar "The People of Iran" it and an opinion poll compare attitudes of the people os the US and Iran. A question in particular that caught my attention
"At the most general level, respondents were asked: “Some people think that bombing and other types of attacks intentionally aimed at civilians are sometimes justified while others think that this kind of violence is never justified. Do you personally feel that such attacks are often justified, sometimes justified, rarely justified, or never justified?”A very large majority of Iranians (80%) take the strongest position that such attacks “are never justified,” and another 5 percent say they are rarely justified. Only 11 percent call them sometimes (8%) or often (3%) justified.Americans largely concur but at lower levels of intensity. Forty-six percent say that such attacks are never justified, while 27 percent say they are rarely justified. Twenty-four percent see them as sometimes (19%) or often (5%) justified."
The Budget
How long will We allow the Military Industrial Complex Rip Us Off?
The only way to get business onboard with Universal Health Care is a plan that gets them out of the healthcare equation. Healthcare costs is why jobs leave this country. Healthcare is an industry that feeds on itself. Their all making so much money they don't care the other is ripping them off.
Iraq: I Double Dare You...
The Republicans are daring the Democrats to cut off funding for Iraq. If the vast majority of the public wants us out now. Why are the Democrats so scared to pull the trigger? Why does Bush and the Republican act like the will of the people is so irrelevant? Does Dick Cheney think the American People are a bunch of weak willed pussies? now there a poll question!
Cavuto's World
How does Neil Cavuto get away with spending 90% of his time asking "Will Dems Destroy the World" and the other 10% running Victoria Secrets videos or Britney or Anna Nicole or ...
O'Reilly Death Match
What is up with Bill O'Reilly's war on NBC? Will his attempt to demonstrate his media power by taking on a Major network bring increased scrutiny on Fox News "Fair and Balanced" claims by other news outlets?
Drawing Al Qaeda Out
If we pull out of Iraq and surge into Afghanistan will we draw Al Qaeda fighters from Iraq?