Thursday, February 15, 2007

Come back when you got a Death Certificate

I was watching Bill O'Reilly this morning. I watch it when it rebroadcast overnight. O'reilly is the classic example of a megalomaniac, he has an obsession with demonstrating his power by bending events to his will. But you got to expect anyone with such a need to portray himself as the holder of truth is over compensating for something and is headed for a fall.
Anyway, O'reilly was making lite of an Mexican man seeking asylum based on his homosexuality and fear of being beaten again by the local police. O'reilly tried to make the point that the man didn't have any documentation to back up his claim of abuse.
This is so bizarre on so many levels. Maybe he'd like the man to come back with a death certificate. How many homosexuals around the world will have documentation of abuse or oppression especially when it is being administered by the state.
Look around. In this country it's almost mainstream to say the most horrible and outrageous things about gays and lesbians, homosexuals are beaten and killed on our streets and in our schools. To make light of an asylum claim based on homosexual oppression is an outrage.
Although I do wonder why the guy in Mexico didn't just move to resort town and become a waiter?