It seems that those who wage war to promote democracy, sometimes find it inconvenient. "you can not govern by polls" is commonly heard when conservative are asked about how the people feel about Iraq or if we should surge or withdraw.
A majority of Americans think we should leave now or with in a year. A majority of Iraqis want the same. The past election sent a clear message of change in Iraq. But Our current leadership act as if those who seek an exit are a treasonist few looking to undermine the president and security of America or worse want to abandon the troops in the field. How funding the war became synonymous with supporting the troop is just another example of how the republicans out message the democrats. Another recent example of this is the stories about the resurgence of Al Qaeda. Where was the democrat drumbeat about how this was Bush's fault for turning his attention from Bin Laden to Hussein, That this Bush policy has put America at further risk by allowing Bin Laden to reconstitute Al Qaeda leadership.But that's getting into another post.
Our leaders speak of the power of democracy and as it is the right of all people and is the key to freedom and peace but when faced with an electorate dissatisfied with the current direction democracy becomes another inconvenient truth.