Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bush Holding Americans without charge Overseas?

From McClatchy News:

"The case of Naji Hamdan, coupled with FBI interrogations of an American citizen secretly detained without charges in East Africa, raises the question of whether the Bush administration has asked other nations to hold Americans suspected of terrorism links whom U.S. officials lack the evidence to charge."
"If the U.S. government is responsible for this detention and we believe it is, this is clearly illegal because our government can't contract away the Constitution by enlisting the aid of other governments that do not adhere to the Constitution's requirements," said Ahilan Arulanantham of the ACLU's southern California office.
"I think you see a trend that reflects illegal detentions going underground or off the books, where the United States . . . out-sources detentions to other governments," said Jonathan Hafetz, an ACLU attorney