Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fleeting Thoughts

  • It seems to me that the pundits you hear talking the loudest about the baggage Bill Clinton brings to the table in the consideration of Hillary Cinton for S.O.S. Can only dream of doing the kind of good works for their fellow man that Bill Clinton has done.

  • Enough! with the idea of putting a Republican as Defense Secretary. What kind of message does it send when 2 democratic Administration in a row pick a Republican for S.O.D.? It's like we're saying "your right republican, we can't handle that whole national defense thing. Please protect us."

  • I think it's important that we remember that our Republican brother, today, are like a wounded animal that's been cornered. They are in pain, scared and confused. They are being flooded with negative impulses that tend to make them nasty, irritable and contemptuous. So it best to keep your distance.

  • We should abolish the Department of Education. Education is a local issue. It should have local accountability and the funds being wasted at the federal level. The only thing I can see the federal government doing is administering a standardized test every two years and publish the blind test scores by school. So schools and more importantly parents know where they stand nationally.

  • Barack Obama should invite Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity to sit behind him during the inauguration.