Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I'd have to say two of the more interesting arguments I've heard against Universal Healthcare are the ideas that if everybody has health insurance then there will be long waits to see a doctor. Or, We will have to ration healthcare.
The first on waiting to see the doctor. Other then the fact that this answer is pretty selfish, in other words, they're saying if everybody has insurance all those poor people who didn't have insurance will get in my way when I need to see my doctor.
Although, in the beginning this may very well may be true. We have a serious shortage of doctors in this country. I would suggest to address this problem that we immediately establish a MediCorp program. This would offer tuition incentives to medical students who agree to accept medicare standard payments for the first 10 years of their professional career. Actually, and this one just jumped into my head so if it turns out to be stupid for some reason I'm not seeing right now, I blame the THC. You could even offer these doctors some kind of malpractice protection discounts going forward beyond the service in the MediCorp System.
Now where was I. Oh, doctor waits Although there is some validity
to this argument in the beginning. If we look around at other countries with Universal Healthcare systems that have been up and running for some time most have good or better wait time statistics. Except for Canada. There is a reason that you always hear politician point to Canada as a negative example of universal healthcare is because among the largest nations with Unihealthcare Canada is pretty much the worst. The are so bad
They are even worse then us. Not to mention these other countries out perform our system in even the most basic health statistics like longevity and infant mortality.
The argument, rationing, well this one is easy. We already ration healthcare in this country. It's called price. If you can afford it you don't get it. Or, you will go bankrupt saving your life.