The Bush/Cheney War on Terror has unleashed a dark and ugly side of human nature and our country. Institutionalized torture, extraordinary rendition, suspension of habeas corpus and other violations of our Constitution and International treaties has cast shadows of evil over our nation and our reputation.There is little doubt that our government has committed criminal acts. The Bush administration has admitted using "water boarding" at least three times, which has been considered torture for hundreds of years. We've spied on our neighbors without warrants. We have allowed our government to do thing that stand in direct contradiction to our constitution and our vision of ourselves.We can not allow these violations of law and our conscience to go unpunished. We just can't say well that's the past and we need to look to the future. If we allow the practices of the Bush administration to stand as precedence we will forever tarnish our honor and reputation and will be plagued for the next hundred years with "but Bush did it"The only way to move past this part of history is to cleanse the soul of America by holding those responsible accountable The next President should appoint a War Crimes Prosecutor to investigate the actions of the Bush/Cheney Administration or else we will never move out from under the shadows.Unfortunately I seriously doubt a President Obama will have fortitude to make such an appointment.