I think it would be interesting to initiate a study that gathers information going forward because it's not possible to gather the information looking back. I'll bet there is even a name for that kind of study, but I don't know it, so here we are.
I think one of the miracles of life and reproduction is the idea that environmental changes for the mother can manifest themselves in future generations. Kind of like at times of high predator population the prey might begin to produce larger litters. Another example might be when under certain condition some species can change sexes.
In man's case we have the easy ones to understand. The child of an alcoholic can be predisposed to an alcohol addiction. I've even heard that mother's living in times of great stress tend to have more intelligent babies. Some say the British Invasion of the 60's was a result of WWII and the bombing of London. Ringo being the exception, of course.
That being said, back to the study. I thing it would be interesting to know if their are environmental conditions that effect the birth rate for homosexual offspring? Such as in time of over population are more homosexuals produced to blunt the population growth? Or possibly at times of war, might the homosexual birth rate drop to allow for a population to replenish itself?
Along those lines one of my personal beliefs is that if society lifted the pressures against homosexuality, that one-half of one-third of the population at the "absolutely Gay" end of The Bell Curve would work as a population control for Man an animal standing at the top of the food chain.