Sunday night on the leading edge of a snow storm our plane touched at the Philadelphia Airport bringing Joe and I back to the 21st century from our trip to Marshall Texas for Joe's parents 50Th Wedding Anniverary. Yes even in the gay world you have to deal with the in-laws.
Going to Marshall is like going back to the 1950's, it's a town of about 25k dominated by an old boy network of the white and wealthy whose idea of affirmitive action is to let the blacks play high school football and who tilt the cities finances to benefit themselves at the expense of the pesky poor.
Take the example of roads. Texans like to drive fast, very fast. So when they do work on a roads it's not like going in tearing up and putting in a new road in Tx you just come in every few years and throw down a new layer of asphalt, pretty fast too, and your off to the races.
In Marshall if you live in one of the poorer sections your roads are total crap while the downtown gets million dollar facelifts and exclusive resturants and the high school gets a football stadium that would make many small colleges jealous.
Well anyway, we're back!