It hard to believe how inept Democrats can be at pounding a message. I guess it comes from not having a very good "talking point" infrastructure. In the last couple weeks the Libby trail has exposed the Vice President to serious criminal charges. Charges that would most certainly warrant removal from office. Charges far greater than any land deal in Arkansas or adult consensual sex. It's charges that Ari Fleisher felt threatened enough by the possibility of the death penalty that he sought immunity.And what do we hear? Do we hear a Democratic senator taking the lead, calling hearings, threatening subpoenas? Or a Congressman convening impeachment hearings? Do we hear a chorus of voices calling this an outrage, treason!? Asking how much the President Knew? If he didn't? Why not? Is this another example of Bush being out of touch?
Do we hear any of these things? No, We hear, Nancy Pelosi want a bigger plane.