"There are no borders" "These combatants don't where uniforms" are just a couple of the phrases used in discussing the "War on Terror". The "Bush-Cons" ( a new term: Neo-cons with in direct orbit of George Bush. If you would like to use this term, please hit "Donate A Dollar" [man this post has a lot of "" in it... now how do I get back to where I was? let's see, I last started with a [ so to get out of here I it need to end it with a ] at the bottom of the page)(oh, by the way the "donate thing was a joke, consider it a freebie)(last one.. promise) see it with in a paradigm of traditional warfare. Bigger bombs, more troops, front lines dominate their thinking. Black or white or good or Evil or with us or against us frame their views and rhetoric. But that type of thinking will never address the issue of the criminal acts of a few. It's doesn't effect the root causes or beliefs of those who feel so hopeless or those who pray on that hopelessness. It does not allow for a honest look at ourselves, our government or our corporations. And that type of rhetoric will never bring people together for open dialogue.
Maybe the Bush-Cons need listen to their own word and realize this is a different kind of war.